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What’s a penguin?

  • A penguin is a flightless bird that has flippers and webbed feet that can be in South America but is more commonly known for living in Antarctica

  • There are many types of penguins such as the emperor penguin, gentoo penguin, southern rockhopper, little penguin, Galapagos penguin macaroni penguin, and more.

  • Average lifespan: 15-20 years

  • Average weight: 8-10 lbs

  • Average height: 45 inches


Why did we put it on the mural?

Penguins are adorable. They can also be used to monitor the world's oceans. That's important because without them we wouldn’t be able to see how much trash is in the ocean, which can be dangerous for other aquatic animals.










What's your favorite type of penguin? (not all types are listed)

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